See Street Artists at Work in Prague

by Traveling Seouls

What’s one of the coolest things about Prague?

old town square prague czech republic

Watching street artists at work. Local artists work their magic and make the streets come alive. On our way to the Old Town Square, we came across our first street artist. (He had his eye on me.) Later that day, I saw him working his magic again in the square.

street artistold town square prague czech republic

These guys defied gravity causing our kids to ask lots of questions. We had to tell them the truth about the metal bar and seats that kept the one artist seated above the other. They could not believe it, but I will let you decide.

old town square prague czech republic

Lovable Pooh Bear made an appearance. Children everywhere wanted to give him a hug, but you should have seen his face a couple of days later. It looked like he got in a bar fight, with his plushy face partially smashed in….

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Without using words, this street artist used a whistle buzzer to communicate with the crowd. His playful attitude made Piano Man laugh with joy and delight.

prague silver man street artist old town square prague czech republic

The following days after proved to be a sunnier and hotter day. The bubble street artists came out and wowed the crowd. If you don’t believe me, check out this video:

We could have stayed for hours had it not been so hot.

old town square prague czech republic bubbles

Have you seen street artists at work? What are some of your favorites?


LEGO Museum in Prague

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J August 23, 2016 - 3:33 pm

Lovely lovely lovely! The LEGOS were incredible, too! Now…. while Americans can take the “customer-first” concept too far sometimes, that Bento-box server should learn a wee bit more that!!!!

betty August 25, 2016 - 8:23 am

Thanks for reading, J. =)

Norman October 4, 2016 - 3:28 pm

You do realize that there is a mafia behind these street artists? It’s a huge problem all across europe. People are being forced to work the streets: begging, performing and whoring. none of them should be a reason to visit a city.

betty October 4, 2016 - 5:40 pm

That’s the first I have heard of this, and my friend who lives in Prague didn’t mention this. Do you have a news source to confirm this?


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