Summer in Japan and South Korea

by Traveling Seouls
changdeokgung palace korea seoul

Where Everybody Goes

If you’ve been following on Instagram, we have been in and around Seoul, South Korea. What an experience it’s been since our arrival. First to Tokyo, then to Seoul. And what I noticed as I watched other people in our friends circle on Facebook share is that EVERYBODY, okay, LOTS of people are in Korea this summer. I have to say at least a dozen families! Now that seems crazy to me. It’s not like we all start sharing on Facebook, and then go hmm… you know what? Let’s go? No, it’s one of those things you talk about as a family and then share photos once you arrive. So that’s what we’re doing – posting images and experiences on Instagram as we go. It seems faster and easier than to write out a long blog post about things we ate, saw, and did. You get first dibs on what we’re seeing.

Transition from Kid-Related to Teen-Related Travel

Since coming to Japan and Korea, Prof and I learned that we’ve transitioned our travel experiences. We reminisced about our travel/expat experiences with the boys to Cyprus and Hungary. When they were quite young, we visited lots of museums – children’s museums, science museums, and other kid-related and interactive events. We would plan our excursions to include several breaks and hold ourselves to one museum experience per day. And when we hung out with some U.S.-based friends who have young ones on their travel adventures, I realized that we had transitioned from travel experience to another – traveling with teens.

Can I say how great it’s been to give them autonomy and agency to go out and make purchases for food and things on their own? They no longer want to go to museums with us, so we let them have their time to unwind and then be ready at their own pace to go out and grab some grub and figure things out. Of course, they have their own phones, which helps a lot with navigation and communication.

So the older teen prefers to go shopping and update their wardrobe, while the younger one wants the full arcade game experience. We’ve done plenty of that! And they can stay out late and spend time with their cousins being a fully immersed Korean teen in Seoul. And let me tell you, it’s much more fun to be their cooler, younger, and hipper cousins than with us old folks.

Blog Posts on Traveling Seouls

What does that mean for the website? Well, that means I’m not here to write blog posts anymore. I haven’t done it in quite awhile. I’ve been working on other things, such as grad school and trying to see if I can make an “art career” – something out of nothing. You know the hustle is real.

Anyway, while I’ve said this before, I’m done with blogging. Well, I’m not totally done. I closed down an old DIY website a few years back, when I first started out. I learned so much about how to write and create content, SEO optimization, social media, etc. But my first experience about website content creation, development, and design was through travel blogging. And that’s why Traveling Seouls will be here as a hub to hold our expat/travel experiences and memories for the time being, until I am ready to let the website go.

For now, our travel adventures exist on Instagram, where I share videos and photos of things I’m seeing. That includes things, such as when we took my parents to Europe (Italy and England), family vacations over Christmas to Las Vegas and skiing with teens in Park City, Utah and more. So follow along, and ask questions in the comments there. I don’t always check the DMs there, but I will try to be more active on Insta…I’ll try;)

Peace out!

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