Would you go to The Cure concert if it was playing in your area?
Well, that’s exactly what we did at the Budapest Arena.
The Cure, lead singer Robert Smith and his bandmates, played at the Budapest Arena on October 27th, 2016. Now, let me tell you that I am a bit on the younger side to be listening to The Cure (as most of the attendees were in their 50s), but a girlfriend in high school introduced me to his music in the early 1990s. However, it was Prof who wanted to see The Cure, and who am I to say no to a band he wanted to see when he was young.
Since this was my first rock concert, to help prepare me for this experience, Prof loaded my iPod Shuffle (aff. link) with a nice of The Cure
music (aff. link).
When we got there, I think we were the only Asians to attend, definitely the only Koreans. I assumed that there were going to be young people like a few college of our students who said they wanted to go and attend the concert. When we got closer to the stadium, it was a bunch of people with gray hair. (Of course, I too belong in the gray hair category. )
It wasn’t until I saw Robert Smith on stage that confirmed the age demographic of mid 50-year-olds in the 13,000 seated stadium. Robert Smith had aged quite a bit since his youthful, make-up wearing black goth days.
Then I heard a live music performance of “Lovesong”:
But alas, we had to end the evening sooner than we had wished. We were off bright and early for our day trip to Vienna, and our fabulous college students who were babysitting our children needed to head back to the dorms.
But we had a wonderful time, and I think for a 50+year old crowd, we got pretty into the music. =)
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