A few weeks ago I shared on Facebook that someone nominated my first blog, The Seoul of Cyprus, for Bab.la and Lexiophiles’s Top 100 International eXchange and eXperience (IX) International Blogs’ Competition. It’s always a nice surprise when an old blog still helps someone adjusting to life as an expat in another country.
If you feel inclined to vote for The Seoul of Cyprus, click on the button below and vote. Voting ends February 15, 2015!

The best part about sharing an expat/travel blog has to be the personal connections we’ve made to Cypriots and other fellow expats.
There are days when I miss the expat/abroad experience. And perhaps someday, our family will get to have another glorious abroad adventure. Who knows? But for now, I’m grateful that The Seoul of Cyprus still helps families to enjoy their experience of the complex but beautiful Cypriot culture.