Get Your Printable Semester Study Abroad Travel Packing Checklist

by Traveling Seouls

Printable Semester Study Abroad Travel Packing Checklist.

Say that five times fast.

I know what you’re probably thinking. What do you know about planning for a semester abroad packing checklist? You are out of college, uh, by about 20 years. Yes, it’s true. I am no longer a traditional 20-something college student, but I am a professor’s wife, mom, and college mentor. Armed with my years of life experience, my mentee asked me to help develop a travel packing checklist for her first semester abroad experience. And since we’ve been in Budapest for a few weeks now, I can help her transition by letting her know what items are available here and what items she should pack for her first overseas experience.

Plus, I’ve been there. 15+ years ago, there were no websites, blogs, or many friends who could tell me what it was like to pack for my first overseas experience to Normandy and Paris, studying World War II historical sites. It was a trial by error approach.

But lucky for you, I am sharing my printable checklist with you.

There are two versions:

Study Abroad Packing Checklist Pinterest Graphic semester college students travel tips

The College Gal’s Travel Abroad Packing Checklist

The College Guys’ Travel Abroad Packing Checklist

It’s a one-page printable that you can use for your semester abroad study, and there is room to personalize it for your needs.

On Page 2, I ask some suggestions/questions to help you pack, such as:

  1. Write down items that you think you will need from the States (aka not available in the country you are visiting).
  2. Have a favorite food item that you cannot live without? Write them down.
  3. Reminder to pack clothing items that don’t require a lot of work (less dry clean only/hand wash only shirts. Also, linen is a big no-no, unless you have the time to iron).
  4. Don’t pack too many shirts, pants, skirts, etc. Remember, washing machines in Europe are smaller than in the States. You’ll probably be doing smaller loads of laundry. And if you’re like me, you can pack some items that you are willing to donate at the end of the semester. Rewashing the same four shirts may wear them out faster, but at least you’ll be taking home a lighter suitcase.
  5. Remember to check with your airline carrier to pack under the weight limit. Otherwise, you may have to pay an oversized baggage fee.
  6. And last but not least, if you forget something, ask a friend of family member to send you a care package. Snail mail is always fun to receive from home.

How Do I Get This Awesome Printable?

Easy. You can sign up for access to my free resource library. Then you can have immediate access to download the pdf file.

It’s short-term. A few months will fly by fast. With this checklist, make planning for your upcoming study abroad a cinch.


6 six card game recommendations while traveling

Forgot to pack something in your suitcase?

(contains aff. link)

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Zaina May 12, 2020 - 1:35 pm

Really helped!

Traveling Seouls May 12, 2020 - 2:26 pm

That’s great! I hope your trip went well and that you were safe during your study abroad travel.


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