Piano Man asked for a birthday party since last year because many of his classmates were having birthday parties left and right.
So this year, we teamed up with another family at Piano Man’s school and hosted a joint birthday party for Piano Man and his classmate. It was held at a local park, and nearly every single classmate along with their family (including brothers, sisters, and babies) attended the party.
The week had been filled with lots of rain. And the forecast predicted rain all weekend long. And on the morning of the party, we woke up to a steady stream of rain. It didn’t look so good for the boys’ party.
But thankfully, the rain passed. The sun shone, and we got everything ready for the party.
There was plenty of homemade Greek food, and a little Korean food (kimbap) too. The kids enjoyed games, stickers, scavenger hunt, potato sack race, and goody gift bags.
The boys had their special birthday song, and even though one of the classmates blew out Piano Man’s candle first, Piano Man still took everything in stride and had such a blast!
The next day we suffered from post party crazy syndrome – sheer crankiness and exhaustion from the plethora of gifts and leftover food from the festivities. Nevertheless, we think Piano Man will remember this birthday party for a long time.